Just before Thanksgiving Break, Kyle sent an email to Dr. Tony Silva in an attempt to get ENGL 106i instructors involved in the project. In turn, Dr. Silva forwarded our email to 106i instructors.
We're hoping to finalize project team members before winter break and schedule a meeting before classes end in order to plan out and divide the labor for Phase 1, which includes:
We'd like to cap the project at 7 or 8 (at most) participant/researchers because we'd like everyone who is interested to play a role in writing and editing the articles (2) and developing/presenting at CWPA should we get accepted. At present, we envision two articles: a traditional text published in a flagship journal and a webtext that includes information we aren't able to reproduce in a journal article, such as entries from teaching journals, examples of student work, images of Berlin's documents, etc. As far as particular CFPs go, McComiskey's call for Microhistories of Composition looks promising for a print publication (though I'm not sure if folks would want to go with an edited collection or a journal). In terms of the webtext, Kairos or Enculturation may be good options. I am less familiar with SLA/SLS journals, but I am sure there are those we should consider as well.
- Don
We're hoping to finalize project team members before winter break and schedule a meeting before classes end in order to plan out and divide the labor for Phase 1, which includes:
- transcribing the rest of the materials we'll need for the project
- composing a narrative that describes Berlin's syllabus, assignment sequence, assignments, and
- assigning responsibilities for contacting Berlin's former mentees with questions about our transcriptions and the narrative described above
- planning and writing the proposal for CWPA in June
- coordinating ENGL 106 and 106i schedules for the project in the spring semester
- crafting and submitting our proposal to IRB
- drafting a statement explaining the project to students (with permission forms)
- scheduling a face-to-face meeting for early January
- finalizing the Berlin's materials that we'll use to inform our work
- creating and distributing a short reading list that a theoretical background for our project writ large and for incorporating the "Berlin assignment" into our classes (This reading list should also include readings dealing with cultural studies approaches critiqued/enacted in L2 contexts.)
- creating an additional reading list for participants
- discussing the CFPs applicable to our project
We'd like to cap the project at 7 or 8 (at most) participant/researchers because we'd like everyone who is interested to play a role in writing and editing the articles (2) and developing/presenting at CWPA should we get accepted. At present, we envision two articles: a traditional text published in a flagship journal and a webtext that includes information we aren't able to reproduce in a journal article, such as entries from teaching journals, examples of student work, images of Berlin's documents, etc. As far as particular CFPs go, McComiskey's call for Microhistories of Composition looks promising for a print publication (though I'm not sure if folks would want to go with an edited collection or a journal). In terms of the webtext, Kairos or Enculturation may be good options. I am less familiar with SLA/SLS journals, but I am sure there are those we should consider as well.
- Don